Go With the Flow Zentangle

Go with the flow up close with watermark
I discovered Zentangle on the website Pinterest and thought it would blend great with my Celtic Art.  I didn’t realize there was a name to the doodling I have all over my notes.  Mix doodles with art & lettering and it becomes something mesmerizing to look at and fun to do.
This was created on Charcoal paper with a Pitt & Micron Pen and pencil.
If you are a visual person who loves photos, check out Pinterest at: http://pinterest.com/colleayn/  It is addicting!


  1. Love your work! It’s beautiful!

    I found your site when I did a google search on celiac and fructose malabsorption.My kiddo has been really sick for months, and we finally think we might have our answer with fructose malabsorption. He’s also dairy and mostly gluten free. Nice to know there are plenty of folks out there in the same boat!

    Have a great day. Thanks for the info.

  2. Colleayn, your combination of Celtic art, doodles, zentangles and lettering is fabulous! Thanks for the inspiration!

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