Colleayn T. Klaibourne
the artist
style and services


the artist.

We continue to receive a great deal of mail inquiring about Colleáyn, her work, etc. Below we've completed a list of the most frequently asked questions and provided answers for you.

What is the difference between a Giclée, lithograph, or other types of prints?

    Giclée Print: (pronounced Gee-Clay) High-quality prints made on a six-colour ink jet printer. Each print is made individually on a one-by-one basis. Using acid free canvas or watercolour paper and UV archival inks, it produces the look and feel of an original Acrylic, oil or watercolour painting. The Giclées are all signed and numbered by the artist but are published in smaller quantities. Because each piece is professionally made it requires two to three weeks for delivery.

    Colour Print: These prints are commercially produced (not created on a home printer). Each print is reviewed by the artist to ensure an accurate, high-quality representation of the actual artwork. Prints are similar in quality to reproductions that are often sold already framed in various home stores. These are not signed, archival, or Giclée-type prints.

    Litho Print: Short for "lithography", it is a standard four-colour printing using non-fading inks, printed on acid-free papers. The offset lithographs are done from an original painting created by the artist. Since the printing process is mechanical, very large numbers of prints can be run. Once a limited edition print closes out, no additional reprints will be published. Please allow two weeks for delivery.
I see you have many styles. What do you like to do best?
Over the years, I have tried to find one "style" that I could focus on, but I have found that I work best using many techniques and styles. I am drawn to each type of art for different reasons. I love creating Celtic Art - it seems to be in my blood. This style is very labor & time intensive and "serious" work, but I just love to do this and the results are beautiful in their own unique way. The Floral Paintings are created because I love flowers so much. Their beauty, vibrant colors, and depth bring a smile to my face and they brighten up any environment- especially the long winters we are accustomed to here in Minnesota. My Landscape Pictures reflect peacefulness & stature. I layer the textured areas with as many as 12 different colors to give it the depth and vibrant colors. The Whimsical Paintings appear when I need to let my playful, fun side out. I can always tell when I have been working on Celtic Art for too long because fun cats, faeries, etc. start to appear. It is a great way to balance the tight, fine detailed work of the Celtic Designs or Flowers with spontaneous, fun, bright and colorful paintings.

How do you create the Celtic Art?
When I create a piece of Celtic art, I try to use as few of lines as necessary to create the art. The eternal line interlaces over and under itself to create the whole picture, each piece typically being only 2 or 3 endless lines. It is very calming and mesmerizing to do this and I tend to lose time easily. Each piece is done free-hand without rulers, tools, compasses, etc. I begin in pencil then follow with ink, acrylic paint or watercolor. Each is an original design, not copied from the ancients.

How did you get started as an Artist?
I have always enjoyed drawing and painting. I really have had no formal training in painting and drawing- only experimenting with new mediums that I discover at the art stores.

One of my first jobs as a teen was working at a Daycare. I started painting life-size murals of cartoon characters on the walls to entertain the children. In college, the focus of my studies were in Architecture and Design and I explored ceramics, sculpture and jewelry design as my art electives. It wasn't until after college and a Near Death Experience that I began painting and drawing again as I did when I was a child. I picked up a pen and began creating the Celtic Art. Even though I am Irish, I had no idea what I was drawing until someone asked me about the Book of Kells in Ireland. I then discovered I had been instinctively using ancient techniques and symbolism. The other art has emerged as a result of natural curiosity and the desire to create images I love and wish to surround myself with. I love experimenting with new techniques and enjoy using mediums in ways that are challenging. (For example, it is easier to do Celtic art in free flowing watercolor or ink, but it is more fun to try thick acrylic paint within the tiny lines, to get a new effect.) Since my formal training is in Interior Design and Architecture, I believe that is why I love working with line, detail, colour and precision so much.

What inspires the vivid and colourful palette you use in your paintings?
I never met a color I didn't like. ~ Dale Chihuly

I love colour. I love the way I feel around colour and how uplifting and healing it can be. In my art, I use colour as a way to express the beauty and vibrancy of the painting. It is another way that I can communicate emotion and depth of feeling. Growing up, I noticed how colour or lack of colour affected people. We all respond to its affects and the easiest ways to transform, uplift, or change our space is by the colours we choose. After I graduated from College, I pursued further education in Colour Psychology and Colour Therapy. This knowledge became a wonderful extension to understand what my art says on a deeper level. If a person wants to feel calm, peaceful, and serene, art examples would include: The Lotus Painting - "Peaceful Love", the Mexican Hat Flower - "Serenity" or the landscape - "Peaceful Knowing". The Celtic knot on the vibrant red background named "Celtic Dance" is a wonderful energizing piece. It is full of life. My intention is to create colourful, beautiful art that elicits a positive response. Everyone needs an environment that is a pleasure to be in, and adding art is an easy way to transform any space. Colour is jewels to the eye. ~ Colleáyn Klaibourne

Art is colour. The deeper and more vibrant the colours expressed, the more passion that explodes within people to find within their own untapped reservoir of creativity- their titch of talent. The art pulls at the heart strings just waiting for you to ask "What is mine to do". "What must I not hide under the carpet any longer". That is what colour does for me. It pulls at me to create what is ready to be born. It will tap at my shoulder until I can sleep no more. ~Colleáyn Klaibourne

What are the influences of each colour?
Each colour has a different affect on us. The warm colours of the reds, oranges, & yellows are active, energizing, & joyful. The cool colours of the greens, blues, & purples are calming, soothing, & peaceful. Deep green with rich wood would be a great room for a study/library. It's calming, relaxing, and it's easy to focus on what you are reading. The same room painted vibrant red would be too overwhelming. It would be very hard to sit and relax. Accents of Art with reds and burgundies would be a better choice rather than painting it completely red.

Please refer to the page "Style & Services" for detailed information on each colour.

Do you do commissioned work?
Yes. Please see the area under "Style & Services" for more information on how to commission an original piece of art.

Can I use your images for personal use?
Unfortunately no. No portion of the text or any image on this website may be copied, downloaded, saved or reproduced in any way without prior written consent of myself, Colleáyn T. Klaibourne. Please respect the fact that these artworks are the product of many hours' work, and are under copyright. I am quite happy for you to purchase blank greeting cards and to have your own personal message, invitation, etc. printed on the inside of these cards.

Is there a catalog showing your art?
At the moment there is not a catalog featuring the full collection of my art, prints and greeting cards. My website features much of her art images I have has created.

Thank you for taking the time to contact me with your questions. If you have other questions, please feel free to email me at:


Have a question?
If you have a question that has not been answered on this page, please feel free to contact me.

Art as process is a meditative activity. True painting is prayer; it happens when everything inside and outside joins in one action. -- Michell Cassou and Stewart Cubley
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