Astrology Resources
Resources I Use & Love
I’m often asked for Astrology book suggestions
so you can learn more about your own chart & Astrology.
The following books are resources are some that I use and love. Some are beginning Astrology books, and others are advanced Astrology Books. I hope you find this list helpful!
Astrology Books
- “On the Heavenly Spheres” by Helena Avelar
- “The Houses: Temples of the Sky” by Deborah Houlding
- “The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology” by April Elliot Kent
- “The Inner Sky” by Steven Forrest
Advanced Astrology Books
- “Christian Astrology” by William Lilly or a free online version.
- “Bonatti on Nativities” by Guido Bonatti
Astrology Resource Books & Misc.
- Astrology University ~ This is a website that offers hundreds of classes and webinars meant to teach and inspire you. This is a place to learn from many different instructors sharing astrological wisdom in many different areas of astrological topics.
- Free Charts & Horoscopes at
- Free Birth Chart. Create your free, personalized, and highly customizable birth chart (natal chart).
- “The American Ephemeris” for the 21st Century by Neil F. Michelson.
- “The American Ephemeris” 1950-2050 at Midnight Trans-Century Edition. by Neil F. Michelsen & Rique Pottenger. This is the Purple book.
- “The Mountain Astrologer” Magazine.
Astrologers I Follow
I work with the Regiomontanus House System, so many of the books, YouTube Videos & classes I like are based upon Traditional & Hellenistic Astrology. I am not affiliated with them in any way, but really enjoy what they have to offer. They are great teachers. (I used to use the Whole Chart House System, but now do my work using the Regiomontanus House System.)
- School of Traditional Astrology in London, STA
- Skyscript. There are many, many articles, techniques and resources on Astrology here. (Scroll midway down to find links to the information on planets, houses, aspects and different types of Astrology.)
- Christopher Warnock
- Wade Caves
- Nina Gryphon
- Kelly Surtees
I have been studying Horary Astrology through the School of Traditional Astrology in London and Traditional Astrology with Kelly Surtees for the past several years. Each teacher is excellent. The more I learn, the more I find there is so much more to discover. This is a life long study that fills my soul.
If you wish to learn Astrology in depth, I highly recommend studying with a qualified teacher that has a full curriculum like the teachers I mentioned above. It is great to read books and watch YouTube videos, but to learn this subject in depth so you can understand your charts and the charts of others, in depth study and commitment is required. They can help you understand signs, planets, aspects, transits, predictive techniques, etc. in a way that helps all of the information click together. It is an exciting area of life to study.
Astrology Apps
I am an iPhone, iPad & Mac user, so these are the Apps I use. I am unaware if they are available on Android devices.
- Deluxe Moon & Deluxe Moon Pro. Apps by Sergey Vdovenko. I use both of these on an iPad.
- Time Nomad App
- AstroGold – Professional Astrology Program for the iPad and Mac Laptop.
- SolarFire– Professional Astrology Program for a PC.
- Janus– Professional Astrology Program for a PC for Horary Astrology.
This is a small representation of resources to get you started.
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I have many shelves of excellent books written by great authors.
Enjoy filling your mind & spirit with knowledge
that will help you discover more about your life and journey ahead.