Angel of Goodness & Love

Angel with watermark pm
(c) 2012 Colleayn T. Klaibourne
I love Angels!  My goal this year was to get back into drawing & painting.  I think my Angels were very helpful in creating the space, time and motivation to create Art again.  With some life changes and some tweeking of my work, daily schedule, and studio arrangement, I found a way to do so.  Little did I know that I would be led to start drawing them.  I see Angels all around people when I do my healing work. I wish I could take a photo of them so my clients could see them as well.  I am learning how to draw faces so I can draw what I see in my intuitive minds eye.  My Angels are listening but instead of having a photograph magically appear, they are steering me to learn how to paint them myself. I am still in the learning process of this exciting adventure.  I can’t wait to see what appears next.
This is an Angel of Goodness and Love.  She is created with Acrylic Paints, Colored pencils, Markers and Pens.  We all have Angels around us, and she is here to remind us that we are surrounded by LOVE and at any time something GOOD can happen.


  1. The colours in this are just jumping off the page… so glad you are getting back to drawing and painting more… I don’t know how people go without it…xx

  2. Thanks Tracey. Each day I find out how much I appreciate creating again and how much I missed it. I was over-volunteering. Now I say yes to those things that bring me joy too. It has been a great year because of it and I’m finding a great balance again.

  3. I just love this painting. I actually used the eyes as a model in my own drawing I just made. I love your style! Very similar to mine. Beautiful.

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