Something new is ready to emerge!
I’m on a journey to learn how to draw faces and bodies so I can create Angels and Faeries.
3 Weeks ago, I didn’t even know where to begin to draw a face. Thanks to Jane Davenports Supply Me class, I am on my way. It is fun to see faces appear with their own personality. I’ve always enjoyed drawing and painting, but have steered clear of people. I’m leaving my comfort zone of Flowers, Celtic Art and Mandalas so I can create more of the magical world all around us. This will add a missing piece to the Art I have in my mind to create.
Week by week, I learn new ways to add that twinkle to the eye.
Happy Faces emerge.
I had to take a deep breath as I started painting her with ink and no pencil sketch underneath.
Step out of your comfort zone. Magical things are waiting to emerge for you too.
I think the faces are especially beautiful! Your work is absolutely wonderful.
I just found this and I think you’re doing some great blogging. I suffer from Fructose Intolerance and have a blog on it too. Your posts and recipes concerning it are really great, helpful and informative!
You should definitely do some more!
I’ve subscribed 🙂
Thank you! I am working on a project called “When Artists Cook” with other artists. More details will come soon, but I’ll be adding more recipes soon. Your blog is great.
YEAH for being brave! I find it difficult to step out of my comfort zone, but I push myself to do it, and I am usually happy that I did in the end.
Great Work!
Thank you and keep exploring. It is always fun to see what new doors open.
Colleayn, your work on faces and bodies is amazing. I love Jane Davenport and have been thinking of taking her classes…I want to hear all about it. Keep them coming. Xx