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Horary Questions to Ask…
& Avoid
To help you word your horary question.
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Examples of Good Questions to Ask
Start Questions With:
- Is it _____
- Will taking ____
- Will this (Position at this company) be beneficial/rewarding/successful for me to take?
Click on the arrows to explore some Ideas:
Questions to Avoid
While Horary is very good at answering specific questions like “Will I be successful in my design career?”, it is not very good at asking broader range questions such as “What kind of a career should I pursue? or Where should I move to?”
Avoid using the words “Should I…”, “When will”, “How”, “What should” or “Why” when wording your question. These types of questions aren’t meant for Horary.
Avoid questions that are out too far or the “ever” kind of questions. Example:
- Will I ever get married? (Instead ask, Will I get married within the next year.)
- Will I ever have a child? (Instead ask, Will I have a child this year)
- Will I ever be successful? (Instead ask, Will I find success this year in my work as a ___)
Examples of “Should Questions” to Avoid:
Note: See above for examples of questions that are worded better for a horary question.
Please email me if you need help formulating your question if you are having trouble doing so.
If you would prefer to talk on the phone to get help with your question, a mini consult is availble.